The Virtual Triage Center significantly upgrades the previous virtual waiting room experience. Clinicians can now efficiently manage their virtual care delivery, seeing key information about the patients they are engaging with. The tool allows care delivery teams to see the rooming status, patient presence, arrival times, and wait times - all in a single view.
Much of the functionality is the same as you’re used to, such as joining a visit, reassigning a patient, canceling a visit, and chatting with a patient. The improvement is all these functions are present in the visit row under the Actions tab.
As with the previous waiting room, all visit activities are handled in the visit row. However, you will notice improvements in the layout.
Fig. 1
A. Waiting, In Visit, and Scheduled subtabs are visible at the top of the window.
B. The patient Status display:
- Lobby: The patient has entered the Video Lobby
- Arrived: The patient has joined the visit but has yet to connect with a provider
- Ready: A clinical user has manually changed the status to Ready. This shows the provider the patient is ready to be seen. This is useful if your practice uses a check-in process for you. It also displays if a patient has been reassigned to another provider.
C. Much more visit information is visible to you, and you can move or hide all columns (except Patient Details and Actions) to your preference.
Also, when a patient has joined the visit and is present in the app, you will see a green dot next to their picture/initials. If the patient is not present, you will see a gray dot.
Fig. 2
Essential functions are found under the Actions subtab.
Fig. 3
Start Visit | Reassign the Patient | Chat | Cancel Visit |
How to share or copy the visit link
You can provide access to the visit by clicking the Share visit option, which opens the Share Visit window where you can share the link via text message or email. You can also click the Copy visit link. The link will be copied to your clipboard so you can paste and send it to participants from your email or messaging service.
Fig. 4
How to open the visit side panel
To open the visit side panel before the visit starts to access visit details, patient info, attachments, the charting tool, and ePrescribe (if available) at the far right of the actions section, click the ellipsis, then click See more.
Fig. 5
Still have questions?
We’re here to help! Please contact eVisit Technical Support at (928) 297-2294 or at