In this guide, eVisit default admins will learn how to search for and manage a user’s account. If you have a CustomerAdmin role, please reference this article.
Note: Users include the roles of providers, clinical office staff, and patients that are part of the practices you manage.
In this guide, you will learn the following:
- Search for a User
- Edit a User Account
- Assist the User
- Manage Notification Alerts
- Add a New Notification Channel
How to search for a user
In the eVisit administrative console, you can search for a user in two ways. After logging in to your eVisit administrative account, use the Search Users filter if you have the user’s email address, last name, or cell phone number. If you don’t have that information, search for the user from the Users tab.
Using the Search Users filter
To search for a user from the Search Users box, follow these steps:
- In the Search Users filter, enter the user’s email address, last name, or cell phone number, and click the adjacent Go button
Fig. 1 - From the results that display, locate the correct user, and click View
Searching from the Users Tab
If you do not have the user’s email address, last name, or cell phone number, follow these steps to access and use the additional search filters:
- At the top of the screen, click Users in the main navigation menu
Fig. 2 - On the right side, locate the additional Filters box and enter search criteria
Note: You can use the filter modifiers (Contains, Equals, Starts with, and Ends with) to narrow your search results further.
Fig. 3 - Click Filter to view a list of matching results
- From the list of matching users, locate the user you need to edit and click View
Note: If there is no account linked to the search criteria you entered, a “No Users found” message will display.
Fig. 4
How to edit the user’s account
Once you have located the account you need to edit, follow these steps:
- In the user’s information box, click Edit User
Fig. 5
- Update the necessary fields
- When finished, at the bottom of the page, click Update User
Fig. 6
A green confirmation message will appear at the top of your screen.
Fig. 7
How to assist the user
As an eVisit administrator, other users may contact you for help. You can do several things to assist your colleagues. Your options will depend on the user’s role. For example, you will see different options for a Physician role than a Patient role.
The table below is a brief list of possible options you may see. There are only three options for a patient: Reset Password Email, Lock Access, and View User.
Table 1
Option |
Use to |
Disable Reports |
Remove access to report privileges from a user. |
Reset Password Email |
Reset a user’s password. Confirm the user has access to the email you have on file. If they don’t, ask for a new email and add it to their user account. Click Reset Password Email. A confirmation message will appear. Click Send Email. |
Lock/Unlock Access |
A user account can be locked proactively to prevent a user from logging into their account. For example, if a user will be on leave temporarily, their account could be locked while they are gone. To lock a user’s account, click Lock Access. After three unsuccessful login attempts a user’s account will automatically lock. To unlock it, click Unlock Access. |
Deactivate |
User accounts cannot be deleted in eVisit. Instead, they are deactivated. A deactivated account will be indicated by the word “_deactivated” in their email: |
Make Available/Unavailable |
Change a provider’s availability to available or unavailable.
How to manage notifications and alerts
After utilizing eVisit for a while, users may want to change their notification methods or what kind of alerts they receive. You can also add a new notification channel to a user’s account.
Updating a user’s notification preferences
Here is how you can modify a user’s notification and audio alert preferences:
- Navigate to the user’s account
- Below the user’s details, click Alerts & Notifications
Fig. 8
- In the Audio Alerts section, click Disable to turn an alert off or select Enable to turn the alert on
Fig. 9 - In the Channels section, click Activate to enable a notification method or Deactivate to disable it
How to add a new notification channel
You can add additional notification channels to a user’s account if needed. For example, depending on your virtual care workflow, you may wish to add notification channels so that selected staff members in the office all receive the same notifications.
- To begin, click Add Notification Channel
Fig. 10
- Then, select the notification method you wish to add, such as email, SMS (text), or voice
Fig. 11
- Enter the requested information in the required field
Fig. 12 - Choose Submit
The new notification will now appear in the Channels list.
Fig. 13
How to resend a notification
Sometimes patients and providers may miss a notification or mistakenly delete it. It’s very easy to resend a notification to a user. In the Messages section, scroll to the message you want to resend and click Resend. Then click OK to confirm resending the notification. The user will receive the notification shortly after.
Fig. 14
Still have questions?
We’re here to help! Please contact eVisit Technical Support at (928) 297-2294 or email us at