This guide will teach providers how to navigate the eVisit virtual care platform. As a provider, you can accomplish many things, like managing your virtual triage center, queue, scheduling patient visits, and coordinating patient intake.
Inside this guide, learn how to:
- Navigate the eVisit Menus
- Set Up Your Account Preferences
- Manage Your Availability
- Manage Notification Preferences
Navigate the eVisit platform
Various elements, filters, and information are available to you in eVisit. The two most important areas are the navigation bar across the top and the user account menu in the right-hand corner. Below is a brief description of each and a list of their options.
The Navigation Bar
Fig. 1
Identify the page you’re on by looking at the top navigation bar. The current page is highlighted, and the default upon logging in is the Queue. The other tabs are gray. The example above indicates the Queue tab is open, and one patient is in the waiting room.
Please take a look at the table below for a description of what you can see and do in each tab.
Table 1
Tabs |
Displays |
Queue - (formerly the Waiting Room) |
Patients who are waiting and have an upcoming visit to see you, along with the details of their visit. |
Patients |
A list of all patients associated with the practice. |
Visit History |
A list of all previous visits conducted in the practice. |
Scheduling |
A list of all currently scheduled visits. From here, you can also schedule new visits, create new patient profiles, and search for upcoming visits. |
Virtual Triage Clinic*
*Click here for a quick start guide about the Virtual Triage Clinic.
The Virtual Triage Clinic is the default page you’ll see after you log in to eVisit. The image and table below show and describe what you will see.
Fig. 2
Detailed views are below the table.
Table 2
ID |
Item |
Displays |
A |
Queue Tab | The number of patients that are in the Queue. |
B |
Queue Subtabs |
Detailed number of patients who are in the Queue and upcoming scheduled visits. |
C |
Filters and Sorts |
Displays the views, filters, and sorts available to you. |
D & E |
Data in the Visit Row |
Displays the data fields in the visit row. These columns are moveable and can be disabled to be hidden from view. |
F |
Actions |
Buttons that allow you to start the visit with the patient, reassign the patient to another provider, chat with a patient, cancel the visit, set the patient as ready, share or copy the visit link, and open the visit side panel. |
Patients Tab
The Patients tab displays a list of all the patients associated with the practice along with the ability to filter by status and activity.
Fig. 3
Table 3
ID |
Item |
Description |
A |
Patient Status filter |
Filter the patient list by Pending or Registered. Allows you to identify which patients still need to complete their registration and which ones have. |
B |
Patient Activity filter |
Filter the patient list by Recently Registered or Recently Seen. |
C |
Patient Status |
Displays the patient’s status (as Pending or Registered) listed within the patient's profile row. |
D |
New Patient button |
Create a new patient |
E |
Create a visit | Create a visit with the selected patient |
F |
More button |
Opens the patient's side panel. |
Visit History Tab
The Visit History tab displays a list of all visits within your practice. Visits are displayed in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent visit at the top.
You can just move the columns left and right to create a custom view that works best for you.
Fig. 4
Table 4
ID |
Item |
Description |
A |
Date Range |
Show visits in a specific date range. Default view includes the last seven days. |
B |
Filter |
Filter by providers, visit status, visit kind, and chart actions. |
C |
Actions section |
Download a visit summary and chat function, sign the cart, and open the side panel. |
Note: The Download button initiates a download of the Visit Summary in PDF format. The More button opens the patient/visit side panel.
Scheduling Tab
The Scheduling tab has a few more options available to you. There are sections where you can view, sort, filter, and create scheduled visits.
Fig. 5
Table 5
ID |
Item |
Description |
A |
Filters | Filter by date range, provider, or status. |
B |
Scheduled Visits Row |
Displays upcoming visit details. |
C |
Visit View Switch |
Switch your view from a list of scheduled visits to a calendar view. |
D |
Visit Scheduler |
Search for or create a patient, and select visit type, provider, date, and time to schedule a visit. |
E |
Actions | You can edit and cancel visits from here, sign the chart, and use the More (...) icon to open the visit side panel to see details about the upcoming visit. |
User Menu
The User Menu provides access to your account and other options depending on your secondary role in eVisit (such as an admin role). In the top-right corner of the screen, click your name to open the user menu. The options shown in Table 6 may not reflect your actual options.
Fig. 6
Table 6
Menu Option |
Use to |
My Account |
Update contact details, set your availability for seeing patients, select notification preferences for you and your patients, change your password, and more. |
Admin |
Manage your practice’s users and visits, run reports, and more. Note that your organization’s settings will determine the specific features you have access to. |
eAnalyze |
You can access the eAnalyze dashboard to gain valuable insight into how eVisit is being used by your organization. |
Equipment Test |
Test your device’s connectivity and video and audio quality before a visit. |
Help |
Review user guides and knowledgebase articles or request technical support from eVisit. |
Logout |
Sign out of eVisit. |
Set up your account preferences
In My Account, edit your personal information, choose when and how you and your patients get notified about key events in eVisit, and manage your availability for seeing patients,
How to add and edit personal information
You can do that on the My Account page if you'd like to change your personal information.
- In the top-right corner of the page, select your name to open the user menu
- Click My Account
- From the menu on the left, click Personal Info
Note: Depending on your role in eVisit, you may not see all the options shown here.
Fig. 7
In the main body of the page, you will see options for editing personal details such as:
- Name
- Address
- Mobile Phone Number
- Time Zone
Fig. 8
If desired, upload a profile picture of yourself to your account. Click the upload icon and follow the on-screen instructions. For best results, ensure your picture is less than 15 MB and is formatted as a PNG, JPG, or GIF file.
Fig. 9
Note: If you want to change your image after you upload it, click the Edit icon.
How to manage your availability
You will set your availability using availability time-blocks. Availability time-blocks specify the kind of visit you will accept during a specific time frame. For example, you can make yourself available for scheduled visits only every Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8:30 AM-11:00 AM and both scheduled and See Now (on-call visits) the rest of the day.
Note: Some organizations have schedulers, and administrators manage their provider’s availability. Check with your organization to confirm if you can modify your availability and schedules.
Before you create your availability time-blocks, could you consider the kinds of visits you will be available for? In eVisit, two kinds of visits are affected by your availability: Scheduled and See Now (on-call). ExpressVisit and Quick Entry Visits (these are on-demand visits initiated on the provider's side).
Scheduled visits are standard appointments scheduled in advance by the patient or the practice.
See Now, on-demand visits are similar to a walk-in, where patients request a visit without scheduling an appointment.
How to set up availability
Create a specific time-block and choose to be available for schedulable and See Now visits. You can choose from three availability options:
- Schedulable – Patients can only schedule a visit with you during this time
- Available – Patients can request an On-Call/See Now visit with you
- Schedulable & Available – Patient can either schedule or request a See Now visit during this time block
To begin, open your user menu.
- Click My Account
- From the menu on the left, choose Availability
Fig. 10
The Set Availability calendar will display.
- Inside the calendar (Fig. 12), click on the column of the day you want to create an availability time-block
Fig. 11
A) Select to make this time block an All-day time block (12 AM to 12 AM)
B) Repeat weekly option
C) Select the type of time block -- Scheduled, On Demand, or both
Fig. 12
The time blocks are color-coded:
On Demand
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Appointments and On Demand
Fig. 15
Enabling On Call availability
You can also manage your on-call (See Now) visit availability using the toggle button next to your user menu.
Fig. 16
To enable availability for See Now visits, click the toggle so it turns green and displays ON CALL. You will not have to create an availability block for it. To disable this availability, click the toggle so it turns to red and displays the word UNAVAILABLE.
Fig. 17
Note: If you have an availability block with the “On Demand” option enabled, toggling ON CALL to UNAVAILABLE will override that setting in the availability time block, and your patients will not be able to see you for See Now visits.
How to manage notification preferences
The Notifications section is where you will choose how you will receive eVisit notifications and where you will enable/disable system audio alerts.
How to select notification methods
You can receive eVisit notifications via email or text (SMS). You may wish to enable multiple notification methods to ensure you don’t miss any important alerts.
Note: eVisit is highly configurable, so some options shown here may not be active in your practice.
To enable a notification method:
- In the menu on the left of the My Account page, click Notifications
- Enter or update your email and/or phone numbers
Fig. 18
- Click the toggle to the left of a notification method to enable it
Table 7
ID |
Item |
Description |
A |
Email Notification |
Notifications selected will appear in your Email. |
B |
Phone (Voice) Notification |
An automated call will be sent to your phone to alert you when your selected notifications are triggered. |
C |
Text (SMS) Notification |
A text message will alert you when your selected notifications are triggered. |
D |
Add Notification |
Use this option to add another notification (such as having a colleague or other staff member receive notifications as well). |
How to choose specific notifications
Below the notification methods (Figs. 19 & 20) are the notifications sent to you and/or additional staff members and sent to your patients.
By default, all notifications are enabled. A best practice is to prioritize notifications; otherwise, you and your patients will receive many notifications.
To disable individual notifications, uncheck the box to its left. Then, at the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
Fig. 19 Fig. 20
How to enable audio alerts
In addition to email, text messages (SMS), and phone calls, eVisit provides several audio alerts that notify you of key events.
You can enable or disable the following audio alerts:
- When you have a patient in your waiting room
- When eVisit logged you out due to inactivity
- When you receive a chat message from your patient
- When someone joins or leaves a multiparty visit
To enable or disable an alert, click the toggle button next to the alert and click Save Changes.
Fig. 21
Still have questions?
We’re here to help! Please contact eVisit Technical Support at (928) 297-2294 or email us at