One of the best things about telemedicine is that you can see your healthcare provider anywhere you can connect to the Internet. You’re not stuck at a desk in front of a computer. With your smartphone or tablet, you can complete a virtual care visit from anywhere in your home or even parked in your car between running errands.
Before your visit
The convenience of having a virtual visit is great, but it’s not everything. It’s important to be prepared and get ready for your visit before you log in and see your provider. Here are some tips that will help you with that.
- Completely charge your smartphone or tablet, or make sure it is plugged into a power source
- Confirm you have a strong signal and can connect to the Internet – A Wi-Fi connection is stronger than your cellular connection
- Before you join your visit, you can close any apps using the camera and microphone, such as FaceTime or Skype
- Look behind you – if what’s behind you is distracting or too bright, it will make it hard for your provider to see you properly
- Look around you – if you’re not in a private, quiet space, try to find one before you join your visit
How to join a scheduled visit
Now that you’ve selected your device and location, it’s time to join your virtual visit. Give yourself plenty of time to log in. You can log in any time before your visit, but the earliest you can join your visit is 15 minutes prior.
There are a few ways you can log into eVisit:
- If you received an email confirming your visit, tap the link inside the email
- Through your mobile web browser
- Through the eVisit app
Note: If this is your first visit, you may need to complete your registration and answer intake questions before you can join your visit, so it’s a good idea to log in early.
How to check in for your scheduled visit
You will see your Upcoming Visits screen now that you’ve logged into eVisit. You will need to Check In to your visit and enter your visit details (the reason you want to be seen). Note that the earliest you can check in is 24 hours before a visit, and the earliest you can join a visit is 15 minutes prior.
- Tap Check In
Fig. 1
- Answer the required questions shown in the next dialogue box, then tap Continue (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2
The next step is to go over and confirm your visit details.
Ensure all the information is correct, then tap Check In to continue.
Fig. 3
Note: If you need to change anything, tap the edit icon next to the section you want to update and update the section.
Start your Scheduled Visit
Approximately 15 minutes before your visit starts, you will receive a message asking if you want to join your scheduled visit.
When you are ready to see your provider, go to your Upcoming Visits screen and tap Join Visit.
Fig. 4
You are now in the virtual waiting room!
Your provider will be notified you’re waiting to be seen. Give your provider a few minutes to prepare for the visit and join you.
While you wait for your provider, it’s important not to:
- Navigate away from the eVisit screen
- Make calls
- Open other applications
If you do, it might be harder for you to connect, or you may not see when your provider joins.
When your provider joins the visit on their end, you will see each other, and your visit will start.
Note: You may be asked to give eVisit access to your device’s camera and microphone; be sure to tap Allow so your provider can see and hear you.
Request and join a See Now visit
You may need to see your provider now and cannot wait for a scheduled visit. If your provider allows See Now visits, you can request a virtual visit anytime, anywhere, from your smartphone or tablet as long as you can access the Internet.
To request and join a See Now visit, follow these steps:
- After you log in to eVisit, you will see one of two screens: Upcoming Visits if you have a future visit scheduled, or Select a Patient if you do not have a future visit scheduled
- If it’s the Upcoming Visits screen, tap Request Visit – if it’s the Select a Patient screen, select the patient by tapping directly on their name
Fig. 5 - Select the Visit Type that best fits your needs and reason for your visit
For instance, let’s view the example below. If you are feeling great with your new medication and would like to request a refill, you would select the Medication Follow-Up Visit Type.
Fig. 6 - Next, from the list of available providers, locate your preferred provider
Note: If you don’t see the See Now option next to your provider’s name, your provider is unavailable for a See Now visit. You can check back later, call the office, or find another available provider for See Now visits.
Fig. 7 - Tap See Now
- Complete the Visit Information requested, then tap Continue
Fig. 8 - In the Review Details screen, scroll down to review your information and make edits, if needed, by clicking the Edit option
- Then, at the bottom of the screen, tap the acknowledgement box and select Start Visit
Fig. 9
You are now in the virtual waiting room!
Your provider will be notified you’re waiting to be seen. Give your provider a few minutes to prepare for the visit and join you. While you wait for your provider, it’s important not to navigate away from the eVisit screen, make calls, or open other applications. If you do, it might be harder for you to connect, or you may not see when your provider joins.
When your provider joins the visit on their end, you will see each other, and your visit will start.
Note: You may be asked to give eVisit access to your device’s camera and microphone; be sure to tap Allow so your provider can see and hear you.
Still have questions?
We’re here to help! Please contact eVisit Technical Support at (928) 297-2294 or email us at